Digital Classicist London 2020 seminars

Τhe Digital Classicist London seminars will all be streamed online only; the audience will watch on YouTube (either live or any time after the event) rather than attend in Senate House in person.

All seminars will be at 17:30 on Friday afternoons (except June 19, at 16:30).

Fri, Jun 5 Thea Sommerschield (Oxford), PYTHIA: a deep neural network model for the automatic restoration of ancient Greek inscriptions (YouTube)

Fri, Jun 12 William Garrood (KCL), Late antique prosopography and Socrates Scholasticus’ Ecclesiastical history (YouTube)

Fri, Jun 19, 16:30 Marton Ribary (Surrey) and Barbara McGillivray (Alan Turing Institute & Cambridge), “The thing is mine”: Extracting the terminology of the Roman law of “ownership” from Justinian’s Digest (YouTube)

Fri, Jun 26 John Bradley (KCL), Digital Prosopography of the Roman Republic as Linked Open Data (YouTube)

Fri, Jul 10 Harry Tanner (Galway), A Digital ‘Metal Detector’ for Classical Philology (YouTube)

Fri, Jul 17 Charlotte Tupman (Exeter), Reconsidering the Roman workshop: Applying machine learning to the study of inscribing texts (YouTube)

Fri, Jul 24 Claire Holleran (Exeter), Mapping Migration in Roman Iberia (YouTube)

Fri, Jul 31 Andrew Roberts (English Heritage), My Roman Pantheon: experiential digital interpretation at Chesters Roman Fort (YouTube)


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