Additions to e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha, June 2017

Four new entries have been added to e-Clavis: Christian Apocrypha, the comprehensive bibliography of Christian Apocrypha research assembled and maintained by members of NASSCAL. The new entries are:

Acts of Peter and the Twelve Apostles by Calogero Miceli

Acts of Thomas by Jonathan Henry

Epistle of Christ from Heaven by Calogero Miceli

Vengeance of the Savior by Stephen C. E. Hopkins

and expansions to the entry for the Pseudo-Clementines by Patricia Duncan

In addition, the Manuscripta apocryphorum pages (each one highlighting a manuscript with one or more apocryphal texts) now number 78, with many of the new entries provided by Brandon Hawk and Janet Spittler.

e-Clavis is always looking for volunteers to contribute entries for unassigned texts. Contact members of the editorial board for more information.

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